coal fired power plant中文什么意思

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  1. an investigation of atmospheric hg concentration and the removal of hg by desulfurizing in flue gas of coal fired power plants in guizhou area
  2. consequently, ntpc plans to add 11 gw in capacity through the construction of new coal fired power plants by 2012
  3. because this technology has good thermal efficiency, it is said that supercritical technology will be the wave of the future of the coal fired power plants
  4. having become more and more acid-often a consequence of increased sulphur concentration in the atmosphere stemming from coal fired power plants and other industrial off-gases-the
  5. severe accidents are still repeatedly seen in domestic made generator sets, even in imported sets . for an coal fired power plant, this problem is still making troubles threatening power plant safety, economics and reliability; with the increase of generator set capacity, this problem is becoming more and more prominent


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  5. coal fired plant 什么意思
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  7. coal flame 什么意思
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  9. coal for coking 什么意思
  10. coal friability 什么意思


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